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Networking and Servers

Servers are computers designed to process requests and deliver data to client computers in a local network or the internet. Computers with special software an also be a server; they can handle specialized tasks. Depending on the amount of clients or information being transferred, a network can have one, two or more servers. There are four types of servers: web, email, FTP and identity. Web servers with connected browsers display web pages and run applications. File Transfer Protocol support the transfer of files through FTP tools. Email servers make the receiving and sending of messages go smoothly. Lastly, the identity server supports logins and security of authorized users and without this server, our privacy will be endangered.


Components of a Computer

These parts are crucial to the computer's functioning; the same with us needing our organs like a heart and a brain.


CPU (Central Processing Unit):

It interprets and executes commands given by other functioning hardware and software; the brain of the computer.

RAM (Random Access Memory):

RAM is associated with the computer's main memory as called. It is commonly used in computers and other devices like printers and cell phones.

Hard Disk Drive

The main, largest hardware data storage device. It is where the operating system, the computer's files and software are located



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